The Pearl of the Pecos Arts and Culture District is a diverse and thriving epicenter for arts and culture in Carlsbad which supports art education and economic development. Art experiences, availability and opportunity are an integral part of maintaining a healthy community, city pride and a reflection of our rich diversity. The Arts & Culture District is a mecca for cultural and creative experiences by day and a thriving entertainment district by night.
The Pearl of the Pecos Arts and Cultural District supports the development of a sustainable cultural economy, arts education, and historic preservation to provide diverse arts and cultural experiences by day and an entertainment district by night.
The Pearl of the Pecos Arts & Culture District received sate authorization as an Arts & Cultural District from New Mexico MainStreet in February 2024. LEARN MORE

Kat Davis
director@pearlofthepecos.org | 575.628.3768
Kathleen Davis, better known as "Kat", grew up in Ireland and has resided in the United States for the last 11 years, where she graduated from Carlsbad High School in 2012.
Her artistic, diverse, & eclectic background along her interest in encouraging a wide range of artistic pursuits are the driving force behind her dedication to the artist community in Carlsbad.
“Art can mean something different to anyone that you ask and that’s something that makes it so beautiful, no two answers will ever be the same,” she noted. “While music is my ‘art of choice’, I have a profound respect and love for all art forms.”
Davis believes that the many challenges of 2020 have allowed people to tap into their creative and artistic sides in ways they have never seen before.
The Pearl of the Pecos Arts & Culture District is a diverse and thriving epicenter for arts and culture in Carlsbad, which supports art education and economic development. As director, Davis will works closely with the Creative Carlsbad Arts Council, Carlsbad MainStreet and the Fine Arts and Acquisition Vetting Committee in promoting the arts in Carlsbad..

Laura Whaley
Carlsbad Arts Council Representative

Allison Morency
Carlsbad Area Arts Council Representative

Eyenid Manzo
Committee Member

Sarah Purvis
PurVis Designs

Sky Soto
Director of Marketing & Publications at SENMC
Carlsbad MainStreet partners with our state program, New Mexico MainStreet. NMMS's core objective is downtown revitalization and redevelopment. Their mission is to develop local capacity to engage people, rebuild places and revitalize economies resulting in economically thriving downtowns, greater business and employment opportunities and a higher quality of life.
Our partnership gives Carlsbad MainStreet access to experts in Business and Entrepreneurial Development, Graphic Design and Marketing, Property Redevelopment and so much more!
Learn more about NMMS at: